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    Tuesday, June 28, 2005

    Where have you been my whole life?

    After spending the majority of my adolescence in a pool, I can firmly speak for the bunch when i say where has this been my whole life??? Nothing was worse than doing a distance set and forgetting how man laps were left. A race was easy because 69 laps in a mile in simple for a teenager to comprehend. " The Inview goggles display a lap count and time elapsed on their lenses so swimmers can track their progress. Invented by industrial design student Katie Williams, the goggles use an in-built compass to spot when swimmers complete lengths. The Inview goggles rely on a compass that orients itself when a swimmer first enters the pool. This compass spots when a swimmer changes direction and logs a lap. The Inview goggles were designed and built for a third-year project on an Industrial Design course at Brunel University. The prototype electronics package housing compass and lap counter are the size of a small stone, and would be a bit uncomfortable to swim with, said Ms Williams. However, the electronics on a finished product would be no bigger than a 50 pence piece and would sit unobtrusively on the goggle's rear strap. " It will be interesting to see if this makes headway. As far as competition, and even up to Olympic scale, i don't see this making strides. The swedes goggles are simple, cheap and have the best fit...ask any swimmer




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