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    Thursday, June 30, 2005

    The future?

    Ive known about ASR and their genius for a hot minute. These guys have actually figured out how to create realistic waves in pools. No not the crappy half foot slow bump you usually see, these are actual pumping shapely waves. Its about to transform surfing if it ever gets some backing. They now have wave pools proposed in texas and new york city. gasp!!! I shudder to think at all the kooks and wannabes who will now make my lineup infinitely worse. Not even worth the fun of surfing circles around them. I can already see all the pissed off dads yelling at me, as i spray their them and their kids with my cutbacks. Siiiigh, only time will tell if this idea catches on, and makes a special sport a little more mainstream. The true spirit of surfing is being one with the ocean, its mahem, fury, and unpredictableness coupled with the beauty. A concrete pool is the "mcsurfing" of the world. If anything it will push the sport, but don't we have enough posers and kooks running around already?

    Versareef, developed by ASR and Surf Pools, works as follows: computer-controlled pneumatic jacks lie beneath a tough rubber mat, subtly altering its shape so that a rush of water, sent by a wave machine similar to those already in use in swimming pools, is moulded into a powerful, curling surf wave.

    New Zealand researchers have devised a shape-shifting rubber reef that can be fitted to the floor of a swimming pool and, with the help of a wave machine, generates four types of wave - Australian, Hawaiian, Indonesian and Californian.
    ASR water conultants/braniacs




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