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    Tuesday, May 22, 2007

    Results: Sapporo Case Study

    Advertising Age has a nice article on the result of our workings of the Sapporo brand that we worked on a few years back. According to Ad Age, "Last year, as Sapporo began to use hip-hop fashion tie-ins to gain broader acceptance, its distribution widened, and total sales rose by about 15%, Mr. Pronio said. The brand's slim budget limits its beer marketing activity to events and some in-house print and out-of-home ads." Not too bad considering the market as a whole experienced flat-growth. While we have nothing to do with the current events crafted by Coltrane and crew, we can proudly state our role in strategic and brand development that has led to the growth.

    Rarely in advertising does the hard work get a mention, and even rarer are accredited positive results. Kudos to the whole team who made this reality successful and have positioned the brand for future success as well.

    For all those parties interested in consultations, the Sapporo Case Study is available.




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