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    Monday, January 26, 2009

    More Play Please

    "Researchers reported on Monday that a growing trend of curbing free time at school may lead to unruly classrooms and rob youngsters of needed exercise and an important chance to socialize."

    I live near two schools and school behavior fascinates me as it infiltrates our neighborhood. From the hangout corner tribes, to the not exactly awkward-free process for entering school entrance everyday. What i do see is a complete lack emphasis on exercise and socializing. Kids will prolong entering to have that social period into the first bell's ring. Given how far and competitive academics are progressing, its no wonder it take longer.

    Energy and Creativity are probably the two biggest benefits of physical activity and the socio-psycho inputs of social situations.

    Why cant our schools foster innovation? Some do. But why do we restrict this?

    And I wonder if this is applicable to adults as well? Few labor positions are built around socializing and physical activity. Maybe the modern agency? But how could we do better





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