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    Saturday, December 30, 2006

    2006: The Year in Review

    I guess as the year winds down its an obligatory time for reflection upon the past year's events. The Lifefilter has turned from a side hobby to a fairly sustainable blog with over 10k unique visitors this year. Thats quite an increase from last year. The site has finally got some much-needed organization with tags, and the photos continue to get positive feedback. Visitors from 100+ countries have consisently visited and linked to the site to make it a staple in technorati's top half million blogs. That may not sound like much but for the infrequency of posts on here, its quite a feat.

    The most popular page by far was Smirnoff Ad Not. I had asserted the ad was a failure upon its launch on strictly Youtube without even a working website. I still support those comments but the amount of traffic coming through this site looking for the ad could show that it did generate awareness. Did that translate into sales? Time will tell, but the article still is generating traffic.

    Another popular item that generated quite a bit of traffic wasNike's One Time Only Project. This mashed past and present shoes was a first for nike. As always the company continues to show brands how to innovate and evolve. Love my Jordans.

    Personally i have had a major career change that has done wonders re-energizing me as well as furthering my development in strategy work. None of this could have been without the support of my family and friends. Meghan your unwavering support and endless love have been the incredible balance i always searched for in my life.

    I myself want to thank you and every reader for visiting the Lifefilter. Its success will only continue to grow further with your support. Look for enhanced features as well as other avenues of the Lifefilter brand to pop up. Thank you, happy new year and the best of luck to all in their 2007 endeavors.

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